To increase energy efficiency in your home, certain areas must be properly insulated. Proper insulation helps reduce your energy bill and increase the comfort level in your home in Jackson, Mississippi. When the floors, walls, attics, and ceilings are insulated, it helps reduce the heating and cooling efforts of your system.
Insulation and Energy Efficiency
Insulating your home provides heat-flow resistance. In the winter months, it keeps heat from escaping through the highest point of your home. In the summer months, it eliminates heat from entering the home. Insulating properly helps save you money on your utility bills.
The Correct Amount of Material
To ensure your home is getting the best insulation, the standard depth is 12 inches thick. The amount of insulating material needed depends on the size of your home and where it will be installed.
What Are the Different Types of Insulating Material?
Loose-fill insulating material is made of recycled materials. It is applied by spraying it in the desired area. This type of material is good for attics.
Insulation batts are pre-cut and made of fiberglass material. It is applied between framing studs and can be used in the floors, walls, attics and ceilings.
Insulating rolls are available in widths that fit between joists and studs. This type of insulating material comes in continuous lengths ranging from 20 to 40 feet and is ideal for floors and attics.
Foam boards are rigid panels that are used to insulate any area of the home. They help reduce heat conduction through wood and steel studs.
Hux Air Conditioning offers insulation services, along with a full array of HVAC services in Jackson, Mississippi. Give us a call today for more information.
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