When your AC overheats, it should automatically turn off to prevent further damage. An overheating Magee, MS cooling system won’t just leave your home uncomfortable; it can undergo accelerated wear and tear, too. Discover some common reasons why ACs overheat.

Clogged Filter

Air filters collect the dirt and general debris that comes through your ducts, capturing them before they can reach the sensitive parts of your system. A clogged air filter limits airflow, which makes the AC go into overdrive. The harder it works, the greater the chance that it will overheat.

Low Refrigerant

Low refrigerant can also cause the system to overheat. Your AC uses refrigerant to remove heat from your home, producing cool air. When you have a refrigerant leak, the AC may run hot and turn off.

Dirty Coils

In the same way a dirty filter causes your AC to overheat, so can dirty coils. Your AC system has two types: the evaporator coils and the condenser coils. When dirt, lint and other debris build up on them, they can’t absorb or expel heat as well, making your AC strain and potentially overheat.

High Temperature Outside

When the temperature outside climbs, you likely turn down your thermostat. This causes the system to run longer to reduce the interior temperature. If turning the thermostat up and changing the temperature inside by a few degrees doesn’t help, you may need a new thermostat or other air conditioning services.

Old System

Overheating can also happen when your HVAC system is just old. Aged systems can suffer from loose connections and broken parts that keep them from reaching the desired temperature before shutting down.

Stop an overheating AC in its tracks with the right repairs, which are more affordable than investing in a new system. If you live in or near Magee, MS, and want to schedule the AC repairs to keep your system from overheating, reach out to us at Hux Air Conditioning, and see what we can do for you.

Image provided by iStock

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